It's easy to use, simple and very effective. The design is beautiful and practical. I like the features, the simplicity and the quick responses I get from the support crew.
– Mario - (Brazil)
I like 5pm because of its simplicity. It is obvious that you all put alot of thought into this. The hierarchy, layout of content is amazing and extremely simple with the appropriate training. It's highly organized. The design of the site
is great, which increases legibility. I like the side-by-side window action.
It simply works.
– Cat F. - Victory World Church, (USA)
It's easy to use, simple and very effective.
It's simple enough that even the grouchiest of employees will use it.
– Barbara Ballard - (USA)
It's fast, simple and easy to use. Designed to only do a few things and do them well
— not bloated with a bunch of extra crap.
– Matt F. (USA)
- It's simple to use!
- Great interface
- Gantt chart feature and it's interactive
- Easy to setup
- Easy to add new members
- Absolutely amazing, great feedback from my organization.
- Great team
Excellent customer service!
– Rohan S. (USA)
simple, smart, quick.
– David-Andrew B. (Netherlands)
Without 5pm I would still be struggling and mired in work up to my neck.
Uses the correct "issues centric" approach for tracking open issues and tasks. Whoever architected the design from the top level got it right.
Email integration is also a Godsend. In this day and age, emails often become part of the problem, not the solution because of the shear volume.
Works with all Internet browsers on multiple platforms. I use Windows and Linux on a daily basis and use Mozilla Firefox as my main browser.
Fast for a web based application. I must say I am impressed by its speed, response.
– Nigel A. - (Canada)
I'm able to see lots of projects related to one overall project at the same time. In the past, I have had to rifle through sheets of paper with project task lists to check progress. So, 5pm works because it creates one place to view multiple
– Dawn K. - Nampa Public Library, (USA)
It's a great way to manage a bunch of people spread all over the country.
– Mignon F. (USA)
Before 5pm we had a few projects and I could just manage these using a spreadsheet. However our business expanded and our projects increased till I could not manage them anymore. Deadlines started creeping and our resources were getting
heavily mismanaged.
Then we found 5pm.
After trialling every online collaborative project management tool I could find I settled on 5pm. It was simple to use it had all the main features that I needed to manage small to medium projects and it was accessible from anywhere
since it's all cloud based. Any problems I encountered was met with swift and helpful support.
Now I can easily manage upwards of a dozen projects on my own with the ease and breeze of a seasoned veteran. Without 5pm I would still be struggling and mired in work up to my neck. My favorite feature is the timeline (Gantt chart).
Not only does it allow me a holistic view at one glance but I can easily reschedule my tasks with a click of the mouse!
– Dave - (Australia)
It's a great way to manage a bunch of people spread all over the country.
Web based - clean, responsive interface.
Easier than Basecamp to get an project overview and progress at a glance.
– Andrew E. - (UK)
All my project emails are now in one place for easy viewing.
I can clone projects between different users without recreating a new task. Right panel is very easy to use with info/activity/files in one place, no opening and closing web windows.
– Lisa (USA)
I can access it anywhere...
I can go around the IT department of my org because there is no software req'd.
It nags me with daily emails to tell me how much I'm not getting done.
– Colin C. - The Presbyterian Church in Canada, (Canada)
It allows me to be able to communicate with co-workers and cuts exchange files that we are working on.
– Adam O. - The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, (USA)
It is WAY Simpler and faster to work with than "@task". (we aborted that slow beast last year).
It is quicker than most other web-based systems we tested.
It behaves more like a desktop app than a web-app (ie right click menus, quick response time).
– Rick W. - (USA)
It's more intuitive than Basecamp and I like the format of the emails that it sends every day.
– James R. - (USA)
- It is an Internet tool that all can access from anywhere.
Simply to use.
- Can attach files and comments.
- It has good response times.
– John S. (USA)
Our group of volunteers works at all hours of the day and night, so it is convenient to use a 24-hour resource.
– John P. (Australia)
- it is browser based
- the timeline has drag and drop ability
- the bars in the timeline are named
– Constantin S.
It's simple to use and fits my budget.
It's a great way to track all of the tasks involved in our important tasks - much better than BaseCamp!
– Jennifer H. (USA)
It's simple to use and fits my budget. I like that it uses a lot of Ajax and has a desktop application feel.
– Loris - (USA)
super easy to you and the GUI is unbelievable!
– Michael D. (Australia)
right balance of features and ease of use
- right balance of features and ease of use
- superb UI
- timeline
- tried basecamp before - basecamp was useless to us
- great for collaboration in small groups
– Markus S. - (USA)
It makes delegating tasks among our team much easier, and simplifies communicating responsibilities. It also keeps my world organized!
– Ryan N.
it has a simple, clean interface
- it loads quickly
- it has a wicked timeline option that allows me to visualize quickly my projects
– M-A D. (Indonesia)
it has a wicked timeline option that allows me to visualize quickly my projects
It is easy to use; fast and works on Mac and PC.
– Michael S. (USA)
it is a simple format that everyone at work can understand without needing loads of training and explanation.
– Michael P. (England)
It got a great interface, a love the setup with left and right window. It's faster to work with than fex Harvest. Harvest is more micromanagement. I love the fact I can make a task, and then complete it in % and with timetracking.
Great overview. "My stuff" is great. Timeline is great. Time Report is great...
And I can have the interface in Swedish! Great work and support!
– Josef (Sweden)
Quick and easy to update and use. Adding notes and files takes seconds, and so it's not a chore to keep the system updated.
– Chris Eden - Director, Absolute Web Solutions Ltd (England)
Adding notes and files takes seconds, and so it's not a chore to keep the system updated.
improves the communication of all parties involved
- it helps me and everyone involved to be better organized
- I'm always on track
- keeps a collection over all task solved and open
- offers great features
– Janina B. (USA)
It is quick, simple, in and out. Email replies recorded seamlessly integrates with existing work flow.
– Stacy C. (USA)
It's simple and straightforward to use. Provides enough flexibility to let me do what I need even when my companies business model doesn't fit the default model available in 5pm.
– Chris F. - (USA)
Nice interface, well thought out,
simple to use, clients love it!
– James A. - (England)
It's simple, and most people seem to be able to use it without too much learning, pain or suffering.
It makes my life easier. I love that I'm able to post a message for a project and all team members get notified.
– Alistair B. - (USA)
It's simple, and most people seem to be able to use it without too much learning, pain or suffering.
– Laura A. - St. Michaels University School, (Canada)
Visually impressive. Easy to use (took me all of 5 minutes to work out how everything works!). Timeline is a massive plus.
Enough features to keep it functional yet accessible.
– Dan Gordon - (England)
Easy to use (took me all of 5 minutes to work out how everything works!).
It's fast and everything loads in one screen. I like everything about it.
– Ross P. - (England)
Nice ,clean , easy to use.
– Maciej Z. - (Sweden)
It's very easy to use. The features I really enjoy: Timeline
- Ability to move projects in Timeline
- Reports
- Time tracking
- Deadline notifications
– Julian B. - (USA)
it's just easy to use, easy to learn (there is nothing to learn:-)) provide exactly what we need with the right price. We love it!
– Ofer W. -
We are constantly collecting feedback from 5pm clients in order to improve our service. When we ask them what they like about 5pm, the overwhelming majority says "easy to use".
Check some of the comments on the left.
Also, check 5pm online community area:
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